Our Story

We are a close-knit team comprising artisans, designers, photographers, and creative visionaries. Our goal is to enrich spaces with simple, handcrafted, and environmentally conscious décor elements, celebrating the deep connection fostered by owning a unique item crafted using time-honored techniques, which holds increasing significance in today's fast-paced world.


 Through close collaboration with local artisans and artists in India, we curate enduring collections of objects that embody natural, sustainable, and functional qualities, while exuding high aesthetic appeal. Delving deeply into the techniques and traditions of each craft is integral to our design process.

We act as a bridge between traditional crafting communities and discerning individuals who value authentically produced goods. Leveraging our expertise and design perspective, we rejuvenate forms, introduce contemporary color palettes, and meticulously refine details, seamlessly blending timeless traditions with modern sensibilities.

We place importance not only on the visual allure of our products but also on the materials used, ensuring they meet our rigorous sustainability standards before being presented to our customers. Transparency is paramount in revealing the ingredients, production processes, and material origins.

Through our design ethos, we aim to elevate everyday spaces, advocating for the adoption of a mindful and minimalist lifestyle. Our ethos rejects mindless consumerism in favor of enduring quality, intended to be cherished for generations to come.


 At our core, we are committed to crafting products designed to endure, transcending fleeting trends. Inspired by the beauty of natural design and materials, our creations draw from our cultural upbringing, rooted in history and tradition yet possessing global appeal.

We champion the art of handmade; each piece celebrates imperfections, crafted meticulously from locally sourced, natural materials. Our mission is to elevate the status of artisanal craftsmanship and improve the livelihoods of those involved, striving to enhance the living and working conditions of our partners.


Our fervent passion for eco-friendly, handcrafted products inspired the inception of ECO FLORÉ.

Grounded in a profound respect for natural design and materials, infused with the vibrant tapestry of Indian culture, our brand pledges to infuse spaces with aesthetic delight and harmony.